Qualifying over 10 years ago, Sachin has a vast amount of experience in the Optical Sector. Starting as a Resident Optometrist for a leading multiple opticians Sachin found that patient care was given a back seat to reaching sales targets so he decided to leave and to start locuming. Only working for select companies meant that Sachin could provide patient care to the fullest while not having to worry about hitting targets. Being a locum optometrist gave Sachin the flexibility he required to start working on other business projects in his spare time.
Seeing a gap in the market place for corporate eyecare, Sachin started a company that could provide mobile eyecare services to large companies in London. These companies included leading Law Firms, Media Groups, Forex Companies and more. The high calibre patient base helped Sachin grow his skill set to look after the most demanding patients on a regular basis. As patient satisfaction was high (reviews below) the company was doing well, but due to the limited space in some offices and the mobile nature of the business Sachin felt he could improve patient care by having a base practice. This would then allow a larger frame range and better eye testing equipment which isn't mobile.
Working for both multiples and Independent Opticians has given Sachin an extensive understanding of the positives and negatives on both sides of the marketplace. His goal was to create a friendly and stylish boutique Opticians centred on superior eye care and that’s how The Optical Co. came to life.
Sachin Nath BSc Hons Optom
Optometrist Co- Director